How Children's Hospitals Are Addressing Food Insecurity
From community partnerships to legislative outreach, children's hospitals and health systems are working to provide vital resources to address food and nutrition insecurity among children.
Building Pediatrician Capacity to Address Food Insecurity Webinar Series
A five-part food security webinar series in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics.
How Children’s Hospitals Support Their Communities
A Wolfson Children’s Hospital program illustrates the multitude of community benefits offered by children’s hospitals throughout the country.
Does a Child's Neighborhood Affect Their Chances of Hospitalization?
Recent studies confirm the major influence of social and community factors on children’s health.
A One-Stop Solution for Social Drivers of Health
This Colorado clinic is home to a variety of social services, increasing access for patients and families.
How to Improve Food and Nutrition Security
The best way for children’s hospitals to address food and nutrition insecurity in the community.
Ask an Expert: Nutrition Security in Clinical Practice
A nutrition expert shares how pediatric institutions can help families access food resources.
How Pediatricians and Children's Hospitals Are Advocating for Nutrition Security
Learn about strategies taking place on the state and local level to institute policy changes to help build towards nutrition security.
USDA's Actions on Nutrition Security
Join CHA and American Academy of Pediatrics for a webinar series exploring how children’s hospitals and pediatric practices can address the hunger needs of children and families.
A Strategic Approach to Reducing Food Insecurity
Food insecurity among children in the U.S. is on the rise. Here’s how one children’s hospital is helping.
How Children's Hospitals Are Building Better Communities
Here are three ways children’s hospitals are helping improve the health and well-being of their communities.
Addressing Food Insecurity in Specialized Populations
Roughly 5.6 million kids have food allergies, but the safe and healthy foods needed to meet dietary restrictions aren’t always accessible.
About Children's Hospital Association
Children’s Hospital Association is the national voice of more than 200 children’s hospitals, advancing child health through innovation in the quality, cost and delivery of care.