Fingertip Amputation
Resultant harm to the patient
A neonate’s fingertip was amputated with scissors while removing tape around malfunctioning peripheral arterial line.
Actions to mitigate risk at your hospital
Review the 2004 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory ("Snip-It Safety"), which addresses pediatric scissor injuries and provides risk-reduction strategies.
Target audiences
Nursing, medical and clinical leaders, quality improvement , patient safety, legal, risk management, clinical educators, cause analysis staff, organizational leaders.
For additional resources, contributors and sources, download the PDF.
About the PSO
The Child Health Patient Safety Organization® enables children’s hospitals to share safety event information and experiences to accelerate the elimination of preventable harm.
Patient Safety Alerts
Improving Identification of Patients at Risk for Human Trafficking
A Child Health Patient Safety Alert outlines health care professionals' roles in recognizing victims of labor and sex trafficking or exploitation.
Improving Communication in the Diagnostic Process
Child Health PSO has identified a safety concern related to communication failures in the diagnostic process.
Wrong-Site Surgeries/Procedures Are Still Occurring When Site Is Difficult to Mark
Patients experience wrong-site surgeries/procedures when surgical/procedural sites are difficult, or impossible, to mark or when patients/families refuse site marking.