Care of the Small Baby Course Overview

Care of the Small Baby Course Overview

An overview of physiological differences and specific care management considerations unique to the small baby.
Quick Takes

  • Course released on Nov. 1, 2020.
  • Course is 43 minutes in length.

Approximately 1 in 10 babies is born prematurely (less than 37 weeks' gestation) in the United States each year. While caring for a premature infant at any gestation requires hospitalized care, specific care and treatment must be implemented for very low birth weight infants born at 32 weeks' gestation or less.

Learn more about this course below and see related courses on the Pediatric Learning Solutions NICU Library page. 

Course objectives

  • Describe ways in which the small baby systems differ from the older preterm and/or term infant.
  • Outline Golden Hour priority care interventions specific to the small baby.
  • Explain interdisciplinary practice strategies to support the small baby in optimizing outcomes.
  • Summarize short and long-term complications of the small baby.
  • Describe effective strategies for facilitating parent engagement of the small baby throughout hospitalization.

Key features

  • Care instructions for the "golden hour," the first hour of life.
  • Exploration of potential complications for low birthweight babies and interdisciplinary care practices.
  • Interactive scenarios allow learners to review patient backgrounds before answering questions. 

Note: This course is only available to staff at PLS Participating Hospitals through their Learning Management Systems.


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For more information, contact:

(913) 981-4187

About PLS

Pediatric Learning Solutions’ online education provides the foundational knowledge clinicians need to master the competencies and skills for safe and effective patient care.

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