Arrhythmia Recognition and Management Course Library

Arrhythmia Recognition and Management Course Library

An overview of arrhythmias in the pediatric population, temporary and permanent pacemakers, and implantable cardioverter defibrillators.

This series of interactive courses addresses the full breadth of arrhythmias seen in the pediatric population, temporary and permanent pacemakers, and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Each course describes arrhythmia and dysrhythmia recognition and management, including the physiology, ECG criteria, etiology/trigger events, clinical manifestations, and treatment.

Arrhythmia Recognition and Management Library courses

Arrhythmia Assessment (Comprehensive Test)
Arrhythmia Recognition: Analyzing the ECG Rhythm Strip
Arrhythmia Recognition: Atrial
Arrhythmia Recognition: Atrioventricular Blocks
Arrhythmia Recognition: Channelopathies
Arrhythmia Recognition: Electrophysiology
Arrhythmia Recognition: Junctional
Arrhythmia Recognition: Just the Basics for the Pediatric Clinician
Arrhythmia Recognition: Lines, Waveforms and Segments
Arrhythmia Recognition: Sinus
Arrhythmia Recognition: Structure and Function of the Heart
Arrhythmia Recognition: The Cardiac Monitor
Arrhythmia Recognition: Ventricular
Permanent Pacemakers and ICDs
Temporary Pacemakers

Additional resources

Included in the Arrhythmia Library are 3D job aides to enhance just-in-time-learning. Located in the PLS App, the AR viewer brings performance aids to life and allows learners to take them out of the course.


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Learn more by participating in a live session or viewing course demos.

For more information, contact:

(913) 981-4187

About PLS

Pediatric Learning Solutions’ online education provides the foundational knowledge clinicians need to master the competencies and skills for safe and effective patient care.

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