Quality Conference: Session Proposal Writing Tips

Quality Conference: Session Proposal Writing Tips

A well-written conference session proposal will help your work get noticed. Use these tips to ensure your proposal gets considered.

Before beginning, please write and edit your proposal in a Word document and then cut and paste it into the submission form. Consider sharing your proposal with your communications department for editing before submitting it. The Conference Advisory Committee reviews all submissions and quickly filters out poorly written and vague submissions.

Required information

Presenter information: Provide the contact information (name, designations, title, address, phone and email) for all presenters.

Presenter agreements: All presenters must initial to confirm they have read and agreed to the presenter agreements.

Proposal topics and audiences

Type of proposal: Education session

Quality Conference Focus Areas (select only one):

Advances in health equity

  • Identify key strategies and initiatives that effectively address health disparities and promote health equity in pediatric health care settings, engaging families and communities as partners.
  • Address strategies to mitigate implicit and/or unconscious bias to promote a culture of humility and sensitivity among health care professionals providing equitable care to diverse patient populations.

Analytic enhancements

  • Leverage analytic insights to identify staffing opportunities, improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Explore advancements in data analytics and emerging trends to support evidence-based decision-making and enhance clinical effectiveness in children's hospitals.

Behavioral and mental health

  • Identify and discuss innovative practices to support the behavioral and mental health of children and adolescents, including expanding access and enhancing health care professionals' capacity to ensure the safety of patients and staff.
  • Identify opportunities for integration and collaboration between mental health services, schools, communities and other sectors to address behavioral and mental health challenges and the underlying factors that contribute to them.

Employee health and well-being

  • Describe and discuss best practices to enhance the knowledge and skills of health care professionals, promote a culture of health and resilience, and improve professionals' health and well-being.
  • Identify evolving care models, staffing alternatives and collaborate with health care organizations to improve well-being and health outcomes of employees, caregivers, patients and families.

Clinical excellence

  • Identify cultures of pediatric clinical excellence and explore various strategies and initiatives to improve pediatric health care delivery by sharing best practices, evidence-based guidelines, efficient workflows and care coordination among health care teams to ensure optimal patient outcomes and experiences.

Length of session (education sessions only, select one): 45 or 60 minutes

Conference audience: Physician, nursing, administrative, quality and clinical leaders. Teams focused on analytics, community health, behavioral health and administrative work.

Proposal information

Proposal title (10 words): Provide a succinct and clear title that summarizes your proposal or illustrates what attendees will take away from your presentation.

Learning objectives (Two objectives, 20 words each): Learning objectives must describe what participants will be able to do as a result of attending the session. Learning objectives may be edited for Continuing Education consideration. Objectives must be stated as:

  • Observable behaviors, completing the sentence "After completing this activity, participants will be able to..."
  • Verbs denoting mental states such as "know," "understand," and "appreciate" should be avoided.
  • Instead, use action verbs such as "describe," "discuss," and "explain."


Family Involvement in Improving Quality

A family advisory council, formed by parents, patients, hospital staff and faculty members, has a mission of ensuring families obtain the information and guidance they need to care for their children. Twelve members work together to promote family-centered care, emphasizing quality. This partnership between staff and the families who bring a vision for enhancing care represents a new paradigm in the way health care is delivered in a hospital.

Learning objectives:

  • List opportunities for advisory council involvement in improving quality.
  • Describe an effective model for FAC and staff interaction.

Description (75 words or less): Describe how you advanced work solutions in the conference focus area selected. Provide brief contextual background of the situation, a description of the project and details on how you advanced project aims.

Project Outline or Framework (limit 100 words): Provide details on how your team advances project aims.

Transferable and Replicable (75 words): Please explain why you consider this initiative relevant and transferable to peer children’s hospitals.

Results, Outcomes and Sustainability (75 words): Please detail clear or projected results, outcomes, and/or sustainability efforts.

Lessons Learned (50 words): Describe what your team learned from this initiative or project—successes and failures.

Health Care Team Question (50 words): Describe how this initiative, project or topic engages a team of health providers and/or patients for a collaborative and coordinated approach to shared decision making.

Future of Initiative/Next Steps (50 words): What are the next steps for this project? Are you using any CHA programs in this initiative?