Children's Hospital Association Data Use Policy

Children's Hospital Association Data Use Policy

Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) data contains highly confidential clinical and financial information intended for use within the owner hospitals, in accordance with CHA’s data participation agreements.


Children’s Hospital Association (CHA) data contains highly confidential clinical and financial information intended for use within the owner hospitals/members/participants, in accordance with CHA’s data participation agreements.

CHA confidential and proprietary information should not be published or shared in any form, including verbally, electronically, written, or printed, with any individual or group not acting on the sole behalf of the participating hospitals without prior consent from the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions, Inc., an affiliated organization of CHA. CHA’s confidential information must reside within the confines of the facilities listed in your data program agreement.

CHA reserves the right to terminate participation in a data program should users violate these requirements.

Accessing CHA data program content

Access to reports and information on this site aligns with access granted in CHA’s data programs. Only employees and individuals acting on the sole behalf of participating hospitals will be granted access. Individuals are required to acknowledge their understanding of the terms of CHA data program participation in their capacity as an employee of a member hospital before access will be granted. Additional permission from a hospital's primary program contact may be required to view certain reports or metrics.

If you have questions about your hospital's program participation, data program agreement, or data access, please contact us at


Contact Us

For more information, contact the Analytics team.

(913) 262-1436

About Children's Hospital Association

Children’s Hospital Association is the national voice of more than 200 children’s hospitals, advancing child health through innovation in the quality, cost, and delivery of care.