Meet CHA Board Member Deborah Feldman

Meet CHA Board Member Deborah Feldman

Deborah Feldman, president and CEO of Dayton Children's Hospital, joined the board in 2019.

Most people don't know: I am a big "Star Trek" fan. It provides great examples of team collaboration, individual contributions and leadership.

Biggest weakness: It's difficult for me to say no, which often leads me to being overly committed.

Historical figure you admire: Eleanor Roosevelt and her unwavering dedication to civil rights and human rights. Despite great criticism, she never stopped using her influence to advocate for the voiceless, whether they were children, minorities, immigrants or others.

Motto: I try to live by a quote of Maya Angelou's: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Favorite childhood memory: I grew up in Washington, D.C., and most Sundays my father would take my sister and me to visit a museum or historical site. My father was the smartest man I have ever known, and so much of what I learned about history and science I gained from those afternoons.

Three words that describe your leadership style: Inclusive, decisive, strategic

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