Community Development in Practice

Community Development in Practice

June 07, 2022

On Demand


  • Written By:
    Evan Smith
    Vice President
    Purpose Built Communities
  • Written By:
    Kenny Mosley, MBA
    Executive Director
    Renaissance Heights Foundation
  • Written By:
    Veronica Tolley, MHA
    Assistant Vice President, Primary & Specialty Services
    Cook Children's Physician Network

About This Event

A vacant 200-acre site in Fort Worth, Texas, has been transformed thanks to a public and private partnership involving Cook Children's Hospital and several other partners. Learn how the hospital engaged in this community development project through advocacy, strategic alignment and financial investments.

Kenny Mosley will introduce a case study written by Build Health Places Network, which highlights leveraging health care partnerships to address housing disparities. Evan Smith will describe the holistic model that has transformed communities across the country. Veronica Tolley will explain how health care systems can have an impactful role in addressing social determinants of health, specifically housing.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe Purpose Built Communities model, understanding the role of the community quarterback organization used in addressing housing, community wellness and education. 
  • Identify parallels between the patient-centered medical home approach and the Purpose Built Communities model.
  • Define health care's potential role in addressing social determinants of health related to housing.
  • Review examples of leveraging unique partnerships with aligned vision and mission to achieve mutual goals.
  • Identify how collective advocacy across multiple industry sectors is a powerful strategy for successful policy reform.

View on Demand


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