Addressing Child Trafficking in Children’s Hospitals

Addressing Child Trafficking in Children’s Hospitals

Sep. 14, 2021

On Demand

About This Event

Labor and sex trafficking and exploitation is a global health problem. Trafficked and exploited children seek care at medical facilities, providing an opportunity to offer services. These visits are often missed opportunities due to challenges identifying trafficked patients including patients not spontaneously disclosing their exploitation to medical staff, lack of healthcare professional training and lack of facility guidelines/protocols. During this session you’ll learn how to develop a healthcare protocol for child trafficking.

Learning Objectives

  • Be familiar with the types of child trafficking, their risk factors and health impact.
  • Gain insight into the trauma-informed approach to care, available resources for patients and families and mandatory reporting laws.
  • Describe the process of creating a policy and protocol for recognizing and responding to suspected labor and sex trafficking.

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